Essay by Ben Street, 2023
Essays by Paul Resika, Jennifer Samet, Martica Sawin, and Susan Jane Walp, 2021
Essay by A'dora Phillips and Brian Schumacher, 2018
Essay by John Yau, 2017
Tribute written by Paul Resika, read at the American Academy of Arts and Letters Dinner Meeting, November 9, 2016
Essay by Scott Noel, 2002
Essays by Lennart Anderson and Harry I. Naar, 2000
Essay by Steven Harvey, 1999
Group exhibition catalog, 1993
Essay by Rowland Elzea, 1992
Announcement Card, 1992
Essay by Stephen Grillo, 1984
Group benefit exhibition, 1979
Group exhibition, 1982. Essay by Eleanor Flomenhaft
Exhibition Catalog, 1976
Group exhibition, 1978. Catalog essay by John Perreault
Exhibition catalog, 1974
Selected works, 1951-1976
Annual Exhibition 1963: Contemporary American Painting

Full page ad, 1982
Postcard, 1991
Essay by Lennart Anderson, 1983
Group exhibition catalog, 1989. Essay by Wolf Kahn
American Art Today, Still Life: annual President's choice exhibition, 1985
Group Exhibition, 1985
Show announcement card, 1984
Exhibition catalog, 1984
Group exhibition, “Reallegory,” The Chrysler Museum, 1984
Group Exhibition, 1980. Essay by Lawrence Alloway
American Academy of Rome, Five Painters, 1978
Group exhibition, 1985
New York by artists of the Art Students League of New York in celebration of the centennial year of the Art Students League of New York, 1975. Essay by Lawrence Campbell on Lennart Anderson, 1974.
Drawing Exhibition, 1972
The Estate of Lennart Anderson would like to thank painter Rachel Rickert for her assistance with digitalizing a portion of these catalogues.